Lales Petros | My loves
Official Website of Lales Petros. Contact:
lales petros, λαλές πέτρος, artworks, asfa, askt, ανωτάτη σχολή καλών τεχνών, τέχνη, ζωγραφική, ελλάδα, αθήνα, painting, drawing, σχέδια, videoart, video, installation, festival miden, πολυμέσα, multimedia, portfolio, works, art, digital art, EMST, εθνικό μουσείο σύγχρονης τέχνης, μάνθος σαντοριναίος, manthos santorinaios, moma, sakellion dimitris, δημήτρης σακελλίων, αλίκη σούμα, aliki souma, lales, usa, new york, sva, manhattan, conteporery art, sva, digital art, contemporary art, installation, painting, ai,

My loves


“My Loves” is a series of advertising posters through which I talk about the objects that comprise an essential part of my personality. The purpose of the work is to connect my inner society with the public and make a bridge of social understanding through interaction.